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Glommer See also: Willow's Lighter and Bernie

Willow Lighter

Willow and her lucky Lighter.

She is capable Willow's Lighter is craftable (only by Willow) and can also be used to cook Food. It will expire in 600 seconds or from cooking 100 times.

Bernie is an additional starting item exclusive to Willow. She starts with him in her inventory, and he is craftable from the Survival tab. He can be equipped in the hand slot by Willow exclusively to provide warmth and sanity, but at the cost of durability. This is not possible as any other character. If he is placed on the ground and is near an insane Willow (below 15% sanity), Bernie will become BERNIE! and grow to immense size. BERNIE! is able to taunt and attack most Mobs, other than Bosses. Only one BERNIE! will be active for each Willow player in the game. Any other Bernie nearby will become animate, but will not increase in size. This Bernie will attract Shadow Creatures and distract them until his HP is completely depleted. In addition, this smaller Bernie can be activated and used by all insane characters, not just Willow.

Willow will not receive damage from fire, though she is still capable of taking damage indirectly via overheating. Her immunity to fire damage also includes extinguishing smoldering fires which she does faster than other characters. When she fuels a fire, it is 50% more efficient compared to other characters (this also applies to Night Lights). Also, it takes longer for Willow to Overheat and she takes less damage from it. Willow only takes half as long (0.5 seconds) as other Characters (1 second) to cook food.

Close vicinity to fire will gradually restore Willow's sanity. The larger the fire, the more sanity is regained up to 11 Sanity Meter per minute, per fire. Willow must stand close to a fire to receive the effect, but her fire immunity allows doing this safely.

She has a passive sanity multiplier making her gain sanity 10% faster (sanity over time effects, including aura, structures and equipment).


Willow is more susceptible to Freezing. She loses more health and sanity when cold. Winter insulating items are less effective when equipped by Willow.

She takes less hits to become frozen by attacks.

She loses sanity 10% faster.

Prototype Tips

  • There is no cap to the amount of sanity/min that Willow can gain from multiple fires, so the player can drop multiple flammable items nearby (Grass, Logs etc.) and then set them on fire to gain massive amounts of sanity and warmth. Note that a single stack counts as a single fire, so any items will need to be dropped separately. This is only really worth it if the player can construct an Ice Flingomatic, which can preserve the items at little cost, and a way to set the items on fire such as a Campfire or a Star.
  • Despite its utility, it is advised to eventually move to better portable light sources than Willow's Lighter. Things like Torches, the Miner Helmet and the Lantern will provide much more better light radius and versatility than the Lighter, with a little maintenance. However Willow's Lighter is far more efficient on resources than normal torches.
  • Her resistance to Overheating can be really useful during Summer.
  • Willow's low base sanity allows her to easily avoid Shadow Creatures, as she only needs to be at around 19 sanity for them to disappear.
  • When paired with Webber or Wilson, Willow can make her Bernie more easily.
  • When paired with a Wickerbottom, Bernie will allow Wickerbottom to read Books without being attacked by Shadow Creatures.
  • Willow's favorite food is Spicy Chili, meaning that she gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter when consuming the food.